A & M Bewdley Care Services
If you are not entirely Satisfied with your current care provider then give us a call. You have the right to choose who delivers your Personal care within your own home.
About us
A & M Bewdley Care Service Ltd is an Independent, local, small family care providers established in 1999 with no franchise ties, enabling us to deliver a more personal, high standard or care with highly trained, continuity of carers living in the local community. A & M has been caring in the Wyre Forest community providing a range of services to help the elderly, infirm or those with disabilities remain living in their own homes for as long as possible. We are registered with the Care Quality Commission and have an excellent reputation for putting our Service Users first and offering person centred care planning so that each Service User contributes to the creation of their own care plan, they will then be able to receive their care in a way that is important to them and their families and friends. Regular reviews with the Service User and their family will take place so that we can monitor the outcomes of the care plan and make sure it is still working for them, if it is not then the plan will be updated and amended.
Values of service
Call us to discuss what we can offer you or your loved ones, you will be able to take control of how we deliver your care. A & M Bewdley Care Service Ltd are involved with continual improvement & development, we strive to deliver a quality service and you can expect to receive the following:
- Choice & Control
- Respect your rights
- Dignity & Respect
- Privacy, Confidentiality & Data Security
- Reviews & Quality assurance
- An open door policy
- Promoting independence to remain at home
Co-Founding Partners
Amanda Pain & Margaret Davies
Amanda and Margaret have dedicated their professional lives to the care industry, building their personal and professional skillset to enable them to provide exemplary support and service to those entrusted in their care.
Having met in 1989 and worked together for over 10 years in a care home, they had an immediate and lasting natural rapport with each other. Having received such positive praise from families/clients on the care they offered to them, it was a natural progression for Amanda and Margaret to set up their own Care Services, ergo A & M Bewdley Care Service Ltd, established 25 years ago! and are still a leading Care Service provider within Bewdley and the Wyre Forest.
These are two individuals who have combined their unique qualities to make A & M Bewdley Care Service a standout care provider. They have such an inspiring uplifting presence, are a force of professionalism and possesses a sincere desire to help others. In their hands, you can be confident you’ve chosen the right care provider to formulate, carry out and oversee the care plan for your loved one(s).
Delivering Care
with Confidence.
A & M Services

A & M Care Plan
Our A & M team leader will arrange a personal home visit to discuss the type of care provision which will best suit your needs.

Social Care Services
A & M also offer a unique social care service, bringing a comprehensive range of domestic and outside facilities to the care package.

A & M Care Givers
All our Care Givers are employed directly by us. This means that we take full responsibility for their training and development.

A & M Care Plan
Care provisions to best suit your needs
We will begin with a home assessment from our team leader representatives to discuss the type of care provision which will best suit your needs.
A Care Plan is the key document for your Person centred Care-plan. We will have assessed areas of risk and identified your requirements, and this is recorded on your regularly updated Care Plan. Together we decide how our staff can properly meet these needs, and this develops your plan of care.
Care planning is continuously reviewed because peoples needs change, sometimes on a daily basis, and we have to respond to these changes to make sure that we are delivering the right care. We will always seek your opinions, input and consent when developing the Care Plan, and make any up to date changes or amendments to it, to ensure that you are fully satisfied with the care you receive from us.
We also recognise the value in involving your family members, relatives and friends in your Care Plan, and we will always (with your permission) invite your family and friends to participate in the care planning process.
A & M will provide practical support and personal care to adults of any age, disability, race, religion and gender.
All types of disability assistance and support are provided by the service;
• Learning Disabilities • People with Physical Disabilities • Older Person care • Personal hygiene • Catheter Care • Medication Support • Existing carers who needs a break • Food preparation and Serving • Medication • Shopping Service • Cleaning Service • Dementia • Call in Service • Companionship • Mental Health Condition • Palliative Care • High Dependency Care, two carers attending • Stoma Care • 2 Carer Calls • CHC • Social Services and Private P.O.C • End of life Care • Moving and Handling • Temporary Care packages • Temporary Care packages after hospital stays

A & M Social Care Services
Delivering Care with Confidence
A & M also offer a unique social care service, bringing a comprehensive range of domestic and outside facilities to the care package.
Your exact needs will be prepared when your care plan is put together.
We can give a free assessment, with no obligation to help select the best service for your needs. Please do not hesitate to contact us.
About us
Your care worker will be able to undertake personal care services such as helping you to get up in the morning, washing, dressing, toileting, bed making, helping you to go to bed at night, etc. The care worker can also support you to take any medicines that have been prescribed for you by your doctor.
Your care worker will prepare your breakfast, your mid-day meal, evening meal or supper, and any other snacks and drinks that you may need during the day. The care worker will be able to sit with you while you have your meals for conversation or companionship purposes.
Rely on A & M to provide:
- General household cleaning/bed making
- Washing and ironing service
- Shopping errands
- Client’s visits with friends and relations
- Catheter Care
- Companionship
- Liaison with medical and hospital staff
- Podiatry and dental visits
- Personal tasks; preparing shopping lists and doing shopping

A & M Care Givers
Quality Home Care Provider
All our Care Givers are employed directly by us. This means that we take full responsibility for their training and development. Our support workers are given full training to the highest possible standards;
- Emergency and First Aid
- Moving and Handling
- Stoma Care
- Catheter Care
- Learning Disabilities
- Safe Guarding
- Dementia Awareness
- Health and Safety
- Nutrition and Hydration
- Dignity and Care
- Equality and Diversity
- Food Safety and Level 2
Our Care Givers
We have an excellent team of highly skilled professional care givers to look after you. Each care worker undergoes continuous training that ensures that we deliver the highest quality services to you.
We recognise that your care worker is somebody with whom you can form a special friendship, and for this reason, we take great care in selecting a staff member with whom you feel completely comfortable. This is only done with your full consent, and you are free to ask for a change in care worker at any time if you so desire it.
All our staff have to have full CRB and fully enhanced D.B S Checks
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A & M Bewdley Care Service Ltd has been caring in the Wrye Forest community for over 25 years, we provide a range of services to help the elderly, infirm or those with disabilities remain living in their own homes for as long as possible.
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Happy Clients
Get in touch

A & M Bewdley Care Service Ltd
Office Hours 9am - 3pm